I remember the exact afternoon I chose photography as the direction in life I would go….Westlake Village, SoCal, A friend who worked at a Fotomat kiosk showed me how my first real camera, a Canon FTb 35mm, worked. I was so very amazed and taken by what that camera did in a 1/60 of a second. The mirror was lifted, the curtain opened, the aperture closed down and the focused image finally struck the film. AND what struck the film was totally up to me. I was completely taken by the technical operation of the camera and the limitless imagination to fill the frame. Spooled my own B&W film cassettes and shot, shot, shot……35mm, medium, large format and DSLR…School, sports, nature, underwater, modeling, celebrity, wedding, portraiture…photo labs, modeling studio, newspapers, yearbook and magazine publications, contests,…Photoshop, Lightroom….AND more than 50 years later, I. Still. Love. Making. Pictures…..